I thought this was super cute, plus I think Pamela may have some differing opinions.
Q. How’d you guys meet?
A. The internet, Rascals on CUSEEME, and my internet radio station
Q. First Date?
A. Officially in Chelmsford, England my flat.
Q. How long have you been together?
A. 21 years (ish)
Q. Married?
A. Yes
Q. Age difference?
A. I am seven years older
Q. Who was interested first?
A. Me chased her for six months online (I guess that’s called stalking these days)
Q. Who is taller?
A. I am
Q. Who said I love you first?
A. I did of course
Q. Most impatient?
A. Pamela
Q. Most sensitive?
A. I wear my emotions on my sleeve
Q. Loudest?
A. Me.
Q. Most stubborn?
A. This is a toss-up depending on the situation.
Q. Who Falls asleep first?
A. Pamela, when I rub her back
Q. Cooks better?
A. Toss-up It really depends on who is in the mood to cook.
Q. Better morning person?
A. 100% me
Q. Better driver?
A. 100% me
Q. Most competitive?
A. 100% Pamela
Q. Funniest?
A. Me of course.
Q. Where do you eat out most as a couple?
A. I think we have been to PF Changs the most as a couple.
Q. Who is more social?
A. I am the social butterfly in the family
Q. Who is the neat-freak?
A. Though Pamela owns a cleaning company I am the neat freak, everything has to be in its place.
Q. Where was your first kiss?
A. My bedroom in Chelmsford, Essex
Q. Who initiated your first kiss?
A. I would have to say Pamela, but it could be a toss-up.
Q. How long did it take to get serious?
A. For me the moment she walked off the plane. For her a little longer.
Q. Who picks where you go to dinner?
A. The kids!
Q. Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
A. In the beginning neither of us (how we are still married I have no idea) now we have matured to the point where we can admit we are wrong.
Q. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
A. I have one leg she has the other.
Q. Who has more tattoos?
A. equal one each.
Q. Who sings better?
A. It’s not pretty when either of us sings.
Q. Did you go to the same school?
A. No.
Q. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together?
A. Chile to Canada to Colorado.
Q. Who drives when you are going somewhere?
A. Me! Don’t ask it’s Safer
Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!

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