Is it me, or is this one of those things we should all do for the safety of others?

I am all for citizen’s rights; I am not a fan of the Governor; however, I support this executive order 100%. Wearing a mask is about ME doing my DUTY to protect OTHERS and slow the spread of this virus until we can develop a vaccination and get back to some kind of normal. And I want to get back to normal ASAP. I miss SPORTS!!!

High School, College, Professional, I want baseball, football, volleyball, I want my sports back, and the only way to do it is to get COVID under control.

Yes, I know it is selfish of me to want to have other people wear masks so that we can get live sports back. God knows I am tired of watching marble racing (, which is a little more exciting than repeats of sporting events that have been repeated over and over again on the various sports networks.

Our Weld County Department of Health and Environment needs to pay attention to the actual experts in health matters. “Health experts say the evidence is clear that masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and that the more people wearing masks, the better.” (Mayo Clinic, UC Health, Stanford, Harvard, The CDC, and more than 100 national and international hospitals, clinics and Universities agree)

As scientists continue to learn daily more about the virus, overwhelming scientific evidence shows we need widespread mask usage—a meta-analysis of 172 studies found that mask-wearing significantly reduces the risk of infection.

A Goldman Sachs research team found that a face mask mandate would also create a “sizeable” economic benefit, potentially preventing the reinstatement of lock-downs.” Financial benefit, potentially preventing the reinstatement of lock-downs hmmm SOUNDS AWESOME where do I sign up?

Just by wearing a mask, we could help bring sports back, fewer lives will be lost, and we will help our economy? With all these pluses, I thought wearing a mask would be a no-brainer. Yes, we have individual citizen rights, but don’t we also have a DUTY to protect our town, county, state, and country?

By not wearing a mask in a public place where we can not maintain social distancing, we are putting so much at risk, for what? Just to say, ” Gov. Polis can’t tell me what to do, I know my rights? WAAAAH!” Do you think Gov. Polis is sitting in his office thinking, “How can I FORCE the people of Colorado to wear a mask just because I can?”

FYI, Executive Orders issued by state Governors are not the same as statutes passed by state legislatures but have the force of law, the same as in the federal system. State executive orders are based on existing constitutional or statutory powers of the Governor and do not require any action by the state legislature to take effect.

To the Weld County Department of Health and Environment, wake up! Let’s get with the program. It is your DUTY to keep our county SAFE! I do not see you doing that.

No one WANTS to wear a mask, but we have a DUTY as AMERICANS to PROTECT our country and one another. And let’s be frank if we all wear masks we will get sports back faster!!!

Daniel Brewington
I have spent 24 year traveling around the world. I have been a security consultant, in the Police Service and owned a media company, newspaper and magazine. I have enjoyed life and have been extremely lucky with meeting the perfect woman for my wife and having amazing kids. I am the luckiest guy in the world.
Daniel Brewington

I have spent 24 year traveling around the world. I have been a security consultant, in the Police Service and owned a media company, newspaper and magazine. I have enjoyed life and have been extremely lucky with meeting the perfect woman for my wife and having amazing kids. I am the luckiest guy in the world.

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